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vendredi 30 août 2019

Last Train : The Big Picture – nouveauté (le clip)

C’est le 13 septembre que sortira The Big Picture, le nouvel album de LAST TRAIN.

Après The Idea of Someone et Disappointed, découvrez son morceau-titre et le clip réalisé par son guitariste Julien Peultier :

While seasons flow into one another,
It’s getting so hard to remember,
Those memories I don’t even have.
All the summer romances we never had,
Every dance I never danced with her,
What we’ve never been through together.

She’s a woman and so much more.
She’s a woman.

I got so many pictures on my walls,
Dad asking : « when is she coming home ? »
He doesn’t know she doesn’t know me at all.
Sometimes, I wish I could be a decade older,
And wave these years goodbye to be with her,
So she could turn me into a better man.

Cause she’s a woman and so much more.
She’s a woman.

Born to complain I’m not meant to go back,
Her brown hair turned to red and then to black,
My blue songs keep filling my paperback.
They don’t know shit about what I’m feeling,
They laugh but no one dries the tears that are falling,
There’s no dressing for my heart.

She’s just a woman but so much more.

1 commentaires :

ROCKER a dit…

10 minutes d'intensité musicale ! Et sympa le clip dans un cadre d'image pour une big picture.

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