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vendredi 22 novembre 2019

Steel Panther : Gods of Pussy – le clip (nouveauté)

"KISS wrote 'God of Thunder', DEF LEPPARD wrote 'Gods of War' and we wanted to get in to the 'God' business too. This is an autobiographical description of a day in the life of STEEL PANTHER. So, when you're feeling a little unsexy and you need to get your mojo flowing and turn up the heat, play this song at 10 and you too can become a God of Pussy." – STEEL PANTHER

Gods of Pussy est extrait du nouvel album Heavy Metal Rules de STEEL PANTHER, déjà disponible.

Trois autres singles ont déjà été extraits de celui-ci : All I Wanna Do Is Fuck (Myself Tonight) / Always Gonna Be A Ho / Fuck Everybody.

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