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jeudi 26 mars 2020

Papa Roach : Top of the World – le clip (nouveauté)

Plus d’un an après sa sortie, PAPA ROACH poursuit l’exploitation de son album Who Do You Trust? avec la mise en ligne de la vidéo ci-dessous pour illustrer le single Top of the World accompagné de ce message :

« Isolation can be a scary thing. It can lead us to a lot of dark thoughts. It can make you think about going back to the bottle, or suicidal thoughts. Although most of us are in a self-quarantine situation, that doesn’t mean we need to shut others out. If you need help, talk to someone. We will all rise up like we always do as humans. Just wanted you all to know it’s gonna be okay. We made this video for “Top of the world” right before all this quarantine stuff. And we hope this music video and lyrics bring some hope to everyone. »

Les clips des précédents singles de l’album : le morceau-titre Who Do You Trust? / Elevate / Not the Only One / Come Around.

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